Common Interior Design Mistakes And Ways To Avoid Them

Between selecting furniture, experimenting with different artworks, and finding the perfect colour scheme, there are a lot of decisions to make when it comes to curating a beautiful home. Interior design is an art in itself, and that is why interior designers have to acquire professional education and spend years honing the skills and creativity required to transform people’s lives with an intriguing design that brings visions to life.

Many times we’ve had clients come to us saying, “We did a thing but do not like the effect on our room.” They had hoped for a totally different outcome. Many of these issues pop up time and again when clients try to craft their spaces.
These mistakes can be avoided with a keen understanding of the design principles. We want to help you stop these DIY mistakes by giving a heads-up on how to avoid them. This guide will explore the top interior design mistakes and provide practical advice on how to sidestep them, ensuring your space not only looks stunning but also feels right for you.

Here are the most common interior design mistakes you should avoid:


1. No Clear Plan or Vision


Many people rush into starting a design project and purchasing items without a clear vision of the end result to achieve. It leaves them vulnerable to loopholes along the way. Mood boards are a wonderful way to create a design scheme for a room. This allows you to establish a consistent design style and colour palette and easily evaluate the exact items needed for your project. Creating the perfect interior design for your home can be an exciting yet daunting task. With endless inspiration and a myriad of choices, it’s easy to fall into common design traps.

2. No Proper Budgeting

Budgeting is the backbone of any interior design project, but unfortunately, many people fail to realise this. It is easy to overspend on a few items and be left with nothing to sort out other areas. After visualising your dream design, the next thing is to establish how much to spend on the project. Also, it is crucial to avoid extreme budget-buying. One very special item, which might be a bit costlier, can really transform your interior.

3. Wrong Scaling

Affordable Room Design for your Home

While it seems simple, scaling is vital to a perfect interior decoration. Many people make the mistake of using the wrong scale, and this has often led to a lack of coherence in design items. Scaling helps to understand how all the furniture and accessories work together and ensure they are perfectly fitted.

4. Mixing Too Many Different Styles

Designing a room can get overwhelming, especially if you have a pool of design styles to be inspired by. It can be really tricky and tempting to combine many different styles, which can make the end result look a little messy. Avoid mixing too many different design styles. Don’t get us wrong, it is okay to be inspired by many design styles but narrow them down to a few to design your space.

5. Hanging Curtains Too Low and Artworks Too High

Finding the perfect wall art and curtain style for your room is only half the battle. Hanging curtains too low can make your room appear shorter and a bit cheaper, while placing an art piece too high or positioned in an obvious way does not help the cohesiveness of a space. We recommend using floor-length curtains to give your room a more luxurious and cosier finish while your piece of art is at eye level.

6. Furniture Against the Wall

It is not a set rule to pin your furniture against the wall, so you don’t have to feel restricted to doing that. In fact, pinning a piece of furniture against the wall can make a room appear smaller and less classy. While it may be the best option for some design instances, do not limit your layout to that. We recommend centering your furniture and creating walkways around it – this will make your room feel larger and more spacious.

7. The Wrong Size Rug


Many people consider area rugs the last thing to incorporate when decorating a room. We hold different beliefs. A rug should be an integral part of your room decor, and it is necessary to get it right. Getting the right rug can help anchor a room, define a space, and pull together a colour palette. A small-sized rug can make your room look smaller and messy. Make sure your rug is large enough to cover every piece of furniture that rests on it.

8. Choosing Paint Colours Before Furniture and Fabrics


If you are one of those who start interior decoration on a whim, there are chances you’ve made this mistake before. The furniture and fabrics you choose should set the pace for your paint colours. Make sure you determine the style of furniture and fabrics that will go into the space before choosing paint colours.

Hire an Interior Designer

Designing a space to the utmost perfection requires professionalism and expertise. If you want to avoid costly mistakes in your home design, book a free, no-obligation consultation with House Designer to discuss bringing your dream space to life.

Avoiding these common interior design mistakes can transform the process from overwhelming to enjoyable, leading to a home that reflects your unique identity and stands the test of time. Remember, the most important aspect of interior design is creating a space that feels right for you and your family. By planning carefully, considering your lifestyle, and incorporating personal touches, you can design a home that is both beautiful and functional.

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