Ways to Make your Home More Sustainable

Living a sustainable way of life is becoming increasingly more important to reduce our negative impact on the environment. Making your home eco-friendlier involves making lots of little changes to create a big impact. You are simultaneously creating a healthier environment for your entire family, as well as lowering the cost of running your home.
Like the sound of this? Then keep reading to find out our top tips to make your home more sustainable!

Opt for Sustainable Materials

image credit: House Designer

Incorporating eco-friendly materials is one of the easiest ways to make your home more sustainable. Bamboo, reclaimed wood, recycled metal, organic cotton… the list is endless! Using these materials won’t break the bank and have become increasingly easier to source in recent times, and of course, can look beautiful in your home!

Choose Eco-Friendly Paints

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Opting for eco paints for your walls will reduce the need for artificial lighting. Light tones will reflect more light around your space making it appear brighter and less dull, therefore removing the need for extra artificial light energy.

Buy Pre-Loved and Local items

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Buying vintage items is a fun way to discover new and unique furniture pieces. It also contributes to sustainable living by ensuring new materials aren’t needing to be sourced and processed. Another way to live more sustainably is by purchasing local items. Supporting local businesses will minimise the excess waste involved when using long-distance transportation.

Make Use of Renewable Energy Sources

image credit: Fontan Architecture.

We are all taking the basic steps to become more eco-friendly, such as recycling. However, there are so many more ways you can bring sustainability into your home environment. Firstly, we advise that you make the most of natural light. Many homes rely too heavily on artificial lighting, which consumes so much energy. Consider installing curtains that aren’t too intrusive, or even installing skylights if feasible. For the artificial lighting fixtures that you do use, replace your halogen lights for LED bulbs throughout. Studies show that LED light sources can save homes up to £1,000 over 10 years.
Installing solar panels and switching to renewable energy sources will reduce power costs, and ultimately reduce your carbon footprint in the long-term.

Use Rugs or Install Carpet

Affordable interior design

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According to the National Energy Foundation, the average British home loses 10% of its heat through uninsulated floors. A good-quality carpet or rug can provide sufficient insulation by preventing heat loss in your home. A carpeted room will psychologically make the space appear warmer and cosier, therefore reducing energy consumption. You can go even further by purchasing a rug or carpet made from sustainable materials like recycled/organic cotton or bamboo silk.

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